For years, several proponents have proposed that Halloween should be shifted to another date. In fact, some societies have already begun celebrating the popular tradition on different dates. Some people believe that Halloween should be moved to the last Saturday of the month – should it? This article explores the benefits of moving the holiday to the weekend, including improving safety and boosting participation. It would also make everyone’s experience more pleasurable and inclusive.
A Little History Of Halloween
Halloween is one of the oldest traditions known to humanity. Its origins can be found in the earliest Celtic customs. Samhain was a holiday that the Celts observed to mark the end of the harvest and the start of winter. The line between the living from the dead was said to blur on October 31st, allowing ghosts to walk freely.
As the Romans invaded Celtic lands, they combined Samhain with their festival, Pomona. They celebrated the goddess of fruit and trees in Pomona. The event evolved in response to Christian influences. This growth resulted in the creation of All Hallows’ Eve on the eve of All Saints’ Day.
In the 19th century, Irish immigrants brought Halloween traditions to America. The event progressively changed, embracing new customs and becoming more neighbourhood-focused. At the beginning of the twentieth century, trick-or-treating gained popularity, and Halloween started to emphasise kid-friendly activities.
Today, Halloween is a lively and widely observed event that includes trick-or-treating, haunted houses, and pumpkin carving. People can enjoy a night of playful spookiness and festive merriment because it embraces the spirit of imagination, creativity, and the paranormal thrill.
Should Halloween Be Moved To A Saturday?
Halloween’s origins coincide with the eve of All Saints’ Day, observed on November 1st. The majority of festivities have historically taken place on October 31st. However, some believe Halloween should be celebrated on the last Saturday in October. This transition would be trick-or-treating a time to have fun and make memories with the entire family.
Since no laws are backing Halloween, there is no need to pass a bill to commence this transition. However, a massive campaign is needed to initiate the change from the grassroots of society.
Why Should Trick-or-Treating Take Place on A Saturday?
Although it is a considerable step deviating from the norm, there are many benefits of celebrating Halloween on a Saturday has many benefits.
For starters, employed parents would have the chance to enjoy the festivities properly. Since Halloween would be on a Saturday, working parents would not need to prepare for work. They would also have more time to get their kids ready to go trick-or-treating and give out candies to visiting kids. Moreover, there are fewer work-related commuters. Parents could follow their kids out for trick-or-treating to keep them safe too.
Since Halloween is a tradition kids enjoy, some have been concerned about children missing their bedtimes on school nights. These concerns would be erased if Halloween were to be moved to a Saturday. The festivities could start a little earlier and end not too far into the night. That way, adults could also indulge in their celebrations after trick-or-treating.
Visit Nights of the Jack LA This Halloween
Ultimately, moving Halloween to a Saturday maximises fun, convenience, and neighbourhood involvement. It guarantees that this treasured holiday receives the respect it merits while considering kids’ and adults’ schedules and preferences. What do you think about this idea?
Even if the push to move Halloween to a Saturday fails, you can still enjoy Halloween on the day of your choosing with Nights of the Jack LA! Visit us this Fall for jack-o-lanterns, costumes, and delicious food and drinks right here in LA!